Monday, April 7, 2014


Concept 1: Dance Floor Dynamics

Saturday 14th June 2014                                              

@ The Strand in Applecross

This Concept focuses on the foundational elements for elegant and smooth social dancing. Emphasis is placed on the elements of association, dissociation, connection with your partner, application of the pivot and awareness of the axis to develop effortless leading and following.

Concept 2: The Synergies of Spirals

Sunday 15th June 2014

@The Strand in Applecross

Spirals are particular to Rodrigo and Agustina’s dance. They are similar to colgadas and offer a way to access dynamic connections for off-axis movement. Rodrigo and Agustina promise to share with you the secrets to their smooth and elegant spiraling motion.

The Rules:

1. You MUST enrol with a partner
2. You must enrol for the full four hours
3. Lunch will be supplied